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Planning for Doc

Doc Planning
User flow
A system for team members to understand their role in Save7 and their growth pathway within the organisation
Want volunteers to clearly see what their roles entails (responsibilities), where they fit and the impact that they are making. Idea here is to help build an impact centric organisation. Time = Impact; volunteers log hours
Time = Impact; volunteers log hours and see how they progress. Dashboard to show progress, and how many peoples lives they have helped change
A system (or just a table) where people can add ideas for Save7
Want to harness the power of our large volunteer base for ideation across South Africa. Despite resource constraints still want to collate and include great ideas into our planning Idea here is to ensure that budget doesn’t stop great ideas from being borne
Someone should be able to write down the idea after clicking a button, and the idea should then be tracked and transferred to eventually either full execution as a deliverable OKR or classed as not-feasible
A view / system to track our expenses
Idea here to make sure that great ideas are executed realistically.
Link to Zoho / Sheets and display our current expenses (recurring, once-off as well as those potentially in the pipeline). Simple table-view would suffice. Want to be able to put in cost of item / event ect and get a basic idea of the impact to our budget i.e would this expense place us in the Red (account for recurring expenses in month)
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