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How does it work?

Design Sprint library is a list of design sprint initiative.
We reference each design sprint because it proposes his agenda.
In the list, you will find the information below
Name of the design sprint
the creator
the source
a description
his specificities
the number of days
the number of participants
the country
the needs (Under what circumstances can it be used? For what purposes?)
the sectors (if specific)
an illustration of the agenda

🔍See detail of the design sprint

You can see details of the sprint design and other information by clicking on the beginning of the row.
This will expand the row.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-04 à 22.42.35.png
Capture d’écran 2020-04-04 à 22.43.09.png

🤦‍♂️ A mistake in the list ?

You’ve spoted a mistake in the list? Don’t hesitate to write us. We will correct it instantly!

📥 Miss an information about design sprint

You think we’ve missed a crucial point when classifying the sprints ? Don’t hesitate to write us. We will update it!

🤷‍♂️ Miss a design sprint agenda ?

Your design sprint initiative has not been mentioned?
Don't hesitate to fill the form below. We will be happy to add it! ➕

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