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when a match is made it has to take account the selected color as well
already happening inside metal_color
when we import external inventoryy t saving those in mongo in inventorymapping and in postgresql in invenory locations, then we will get external inventory from mongo and inventory by location from postgres,we will get lead time from postgres as well, whenever a product is ordered then we need to update the stock of that product sku ininvntory location, then after it will get mapped
For Bails first we had decided to do it using normal products after that we had decided to do it in postgresql, we had created bail import and export system for all the customized product, but after that we need another requirement to match bails based on size and also compatible skus, we built the system to tackle this issue, but we then need to add pricing f the bails inside the products which vary based on size and also added the details in the order data to the vendors or the admin to process it based on that.
email developer docs
try custom dropdown like anjolee (Custom swatches)
Make a demo video for svelte-commerce
Email developer: Pagewise fetch
Findout way to separate and make npm packages
Work on suggested HMS changes
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