1st step of reistration: capture photo - done also showing in admin panel the avatar of the user and found the way to save all teh client images and their products
saved as avatars/phone.jpg - done
all fields are mandatory - done
1st seva preference - done
2nd seva preference - done
both will have same options - done
separate aadhar with 4 digits each - done
increase text size of each - done
remove horizontal scrolling - done
mobile, aadhar will be unique - done
mobile = 10 digit - done
aadhar = 12 or 16 digit - done
signup_date capture - done
registration is succesful and this is your ID: 29 - done
Please remember your ID for further communication - done
remove - from password while signup - done
can only login if seva allotted: window, backup, planning - done
on login error show suitable message:
Username or password incorrect - done