icon picker
Varni Mobile

Due date
Column 7
This app is supposed to a B2B App so it should require the customer to sign in or register and have a verified and approved account with access granted to this app to be able to use it and sign in much like how other apps are locked to registered users only
Same as varni-www- done needs review
Publish app
Refine product details UI [m.varni]
done upto specified by varni
Chat Screen
For order status and other wholesale to be available do we have to hide these in account menu somewhere so the customer can project his customized nameplate pricing... also in the closeout deals it shouldcome to him marked up by his markup
Want all these to be drop downs with swatches to clean up the look and allow for a better User Experience and also will be grouping the stone and quality for this category like this to avoid confusion ... need to not have any non compatible combinations ever selected
cutom product pending
try custom dropdown like anjolee (Custom swatches)
Change arialshop banner and content
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