“A true master is an eternal student” - Master Yi
What’s out there?
There’s all sorts of coaching and support options out there in the world. Here’s a list of things that I’m aware of and have heard good things about.
Poke through this document and take advantage of the tools like the section. can help you reflect on some of your behavior and habits. will give you an idea of your “ethos” and role in the world. Learn about and take a to learn yours. Meditation, yoga, power poses, breath work, healthy eating, reading, journaling, cleaning and other habits that take nothing more than a bit of discipline. Cheap:
Books! So many amazing ones. Here are some of my favorites: Ego is the Enemy, Daring Greatly, Can’t Hurt Me, Extreme Ownership, The Power of Habit, White Fragility, How to Talk To Anyone, and Grit. The classics are How to Win Friends and Influence People, Think and Grow Rich, and Who Moved My Cheese? - It’s $50 for a test that ranks your strengths and weaknesses using 34 traits. ... an honestly not that much else, which is why I try to offer reasonable pricing through ;) Costly:
Norma and I did 2/3 parts of the in LA. The first two parts (basic and advanced) are two weekends of intensive training an the third part is a 3 month “legacy program” which is a whole new level of accountability. We didn’t feel comfortable committing to the program for 3 months while living in SF, but the first two parts of the program were great. Basic was $495, advanced was $895, and the 3 month legacy program is like $1,500. does courses like a Business Mastery and Unleash the Power Within, but usually a ticket costs $600 or so to get into the weekend event. He’s now doing some virtual ones that are discounted. I have never met someone who attended a workshop of his and said they regretted it, despite the steep price. is one that I know very little about, but have heard good things as well. From the website... “The Hoffman Process is a 7-day soul searching, healing retreat of transformation & development for people who feel stuck in one or more important areas of their life.” A week costs $4,995.
Mind you, as you start to play with the more expensive ones, there becomes a bit of a “cultish” aspect of recruitment. The idea is that by participating in the program, you are so hyped on your life and the world that by convincing friends and family to do the program, you are helping them get hyped on their life and the world. It’s not sales, it’s a favor!
Part of that is why I have been very hesitant to offer any coaching myself. I don’t want you to think that I’m a catch-all solution for your life. If you’re interested, learn more about . My good friend Rachel tweeted this:
Not about me, but definitely relevant.