Purpose: this is direct outreach (on launch day) to network connections (requesting a repost)
We’re live on Product Hunt fighting for that #1 spot! If you have a minute, it would be awesome if you could jump in and upvote to keep our momentum going! {link to PH launch page}
One-pager launch kit
Here’s a few ways you can help us reach #1 on Product Hunt...
In the lead up to launch day:
Keep an eye out for new updates on our various social media channels (we always appreciate a repost, like and/or comment – every little thing helps!)
{link to your socials}
2. On launch day {date of your launch day}:
If you have a Product Hunt account – please give our Product Hunt launch page a look and leave your feedback. We always appreciate an upvote, but commenting & providing your feedback and endorsement is even more valuable!
{link your launch page here}
If you’re looking to support us further or don’t have a Product Hunt account, we’d equally appreciate your help spreading the word through any social platform of preference, and to anyone who you think would get great value out of {your company name}! Attached here are some pre-made social post options to help spread the word:
{link the social media creative you want them to use here}
Here’s some details on our launch day offering to help you generate captions for your posts!
{explain your launch day offer here}
{explain your core value prop here}
Thank you for your support, and get pumped for launch day!
Email me at {your email} if you have any questions.
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