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Day 1: Tuesday

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Technical Overview: Climate projections of coastal flood exposure

1. Peter Ruggiero & Fernando Mendez: Advancing coastal risk assessment and nature-based solutions
2. Andrea O’Neill: Consistent National-scale Projections of Future Coastal Flooding due to Climate Change and Sea-level Rise to Evaluate Risk and Guide Adaptation
3. Fatima-Zahra Mihami: Operational Assessment of Wave-Driven Coastal Flooding: Advancing Toward a New Generation of Nearshore Wave Models

Coastal Flooding Lightning Talks

1. Dylan Anderson: Coastal Hazard Prediction in the Arctic
2. Borja Reguero & David Gútierrez Barceló: Advancing coastal risk assessment and nature-based solutions
3. Giovanni Coco: A predictive equation for wave setup using genetic programming
4. Britt Raubenheimer: Collecting Observations to Improve Flood Predictions

Technical Overview: Climate projections of compound flood exposure

1. Jayantha Obeysekera: Compound Flood Exposure: A Primer and Approaches for Incorporating Climate Change

Compound Flooding Lightning Talks

1. Timu Gallien: Flooding Implications of Beach Groundwater and Swash Interactions
2. Brett Sanders: Who is Exposed to Compound Flooding?
3. Sergey Vinogradov: Integrated Coastal Inundation Risk Assessment Under Climate Change
4. Keith Roberts: Evaluating Coastal Flood Risks with a Focus on Extratropical and Tropical Cyclone Dynamics in a Changing Climate
5. Sean Vitousek: Coupled Coastal Change & Flood Modeling
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