A clear and simple sentence that states one fact in support of a story line.
Fact ID
This is an auto-incrementing ID. You don’t need to do anything with this, it is just used to keep all your records in their original order and reference records even when the title changes.
This is an auto-incrementing number that is used in the formula for DSL ID. Note: if/when you delete records (including the example rows) it won’t start over from 1, it will keep going from whatever the highest number was that you deleted. That’s fine, you don’t need to do anything.
Fact Category
Use the category and sub-category to code your facts however it makes sense to you - by topic, section, both or nothing.
Fact Sub-Category
Can further break down the type (i.e. public official sources, community sources) or be used to organize by topic (i.e. data topics, different general ideas)
FC Status
This is a select list to keep track of the status of this fact throughout the process. Use the "Changed - Needs Attention" field to indicate if you have to change anything about the fact from the way it was initially written during Step 2. During the next step you'll update the draft sentences and you can then change the status to "Checked-Accurate."
Link to records in your Sources table or add new ones here.
FC Notes
Use this field to write any additional context from the sources that are relevant to this fact. This could be the page number where this fact is found in a public record listed on the Sources table, a timestamp to look for in the otter transcription, etc. You can also include any misc. notes here.
List an ongoing questions or concerns you have with this fact, i.e. do you need to talk it over with your reporting partner? Do you need to remember to phrase something a specific way?
Fact Revision History
Optional: Use this field to record the old versions of any facts once you change them so you can keep track of things.
Draft Story Lines
Records from the Draft Story Line table that link to this fact. This will work both directions, however try to link from Draft Story Lines to the Facts table in order to follow the tutorial steps.
Final Story Lines
Records from the Final Story Lines table that link to this fact.
Count DSL
The total number of Draft Story Lines linked to this fact.
Count FSL
The total number of Final Story Lines linked to this fact.