Email to offer Early Access

Thank you for expressing interest in getting early access to MaddCog’s technology to monitor your mental performance for League of Legends.
We would like to offer you early access.
We will provide you with free hardware and our app on Windows and iPhone.
As an early access user, we would like you to use MaddCog for a minimum of 100 games of League of Legends. During this usage, we appreciate any feedback including technical issues you may experience. To thank you for your assistance, MaddCog will compensate you NZD$250 when you capture your first 100 games.
Here is what you can expect.
We will initially send you our current prototype which is a fabric headband (EEG) and a heart rate monitor chest strap. In 6-8 weeks we will replace this with our first MaddCog headband which is a comfort fabric headband which integrates both EEG and heart rate.
We have a finalised iPhone app and a Windows app in alpha. Our sensors use Bluetooth LE to send the data, so your Windows machine will need Bluetooth to use the Windows app. The Windows app UI is currently being built out, and you can expect small changes in how things are presented as we find the best way to present feedback.
If you have any questions, please let me know. Otherwise, if you would like to get started, we can send you the hardware. Please just reply to this email and confirm your interest and mailing address.
As an early access user we would like to add you to our Discord group for easier communication. You can join here: I am also available on Discord to help you as needed (PunkHeadOldDude#7291).
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