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DAY 10

Exercise Day 10 EN

Title: "Resource Management, Network Building and Attracting Investments"

To understand the key elements of financial planning, the importance of networking, and the various types of funding available to startups. Students will create a business plan, engage in a networking simulation and draft a pitch to hypothetical investors.
Duration: 3 hours
Materials Needed:
Whiteboards/flipcharts and markers
Sticky notes
Handouts with networking scenarios
Introduction (30 minutes)
Begin with an overview of the importance of financial planning, networking, and understanding different types of funding in the startup world. Give examples of successful businesses that leveraged these aspects effectively.
Part 1: Financial Planning (45 minutes)
Divide students into groups of 4-5. Each group should come up with a hypothetical startup idea, then outline a simple business plan, identifying key financial metrics like projected revenue, operating costs, break-even point etc.
Part 2: Networking (45 minutes)
Discuss the importance of networking for entrepreneurs. Provide students with different networking scenarios on handouts. Each group must strategize how they would approach each scenario to make the most out of potential networking opportunities.
Part 3: Funding (60 minutes)
Discuss different types of funding - bootstrapping, venture capital, angel investors, crowdfunding etc. Each group must decide which type of funding is most suitable for their startup idea, and prepare a brief pitch to attract that type of investment.
Part 4: Presentation and Discussion (30 minutes)
Each group presents their business plan, networking strategies, and investment pitch. Other groups and the teacher provide feedback and ask questions.
Students will understand the importance of financial planning and key financial metrics.
Students will understand the role of networking in entrepreneurship and practice networking strategies.
Students will understand different types of funding and how to attract them.
Students will improve their presentation and negotiation skills.
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