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New Member Signup

Maintaining Community Through A Pandemic
The Membership Form depicted here is a default template for on-boarding new garden members. The form can be altered to add any membership restricting questions that are specific to your garden via the “Edit Layout” button in the top right corner of the form.
Membership Form
Applicant Name
Home Address
Phone Number
Contact Email
List Any Produce You Specialize In:
Separate individual items with a comma
Are You Interested In Becoming A Mentor?
Responses won't be saved because this doc is in play modeSubmit

Membership Form Signups
Applicant Name
Home Address
Phone Number
Contact Email
Produce Speciality
Membership Confirmation Email
Email Send
Email Sent?
Hello! You have been officially registered as a Community Garden Member.
Send Confirmation Email
There are no rows in this table
After an applicant has submitted their form, use the “Membership Confirmation Email” column to produce a default email message that can be sent along to the applicant following their acceptance. Sending the email and updating “Email Sent?” to Yes will then add the applicant to the

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