Your donations tell Kuovonne that you value her content and want her to continue publishing. How to use comments
Novice coders tend to write comments that translate what the code does into English. However, if the code is well written, an experienced coder should be able to tell what the code does from the code itself, and the novice’s comments are extra text that gets in the way or has to be maintained.
Use comments to highlight the structure of the code between functions Use comments to explain why the code was written a particular way instead of a simpler alternative. Use comments to give credit when using someone else’s code Delete commented-out code before considering that section of code complete. Why less is better
Maintaining comments is extra work that is easily forgotten. Obsolete or incorrect comments are worse than no comments. Do not use comments as a crutch for an inability to read code — learn to read code. Do not use comments as a crutch for poorly named variables or bad organization. Meta information
Self-contained files that will be published publicly may have a header section with comments that include meta information
license for reusing the code any special instructions for using the code For files that are stored in a source control repository, this meta information is typically available in the repository itself and need not be included in the file.
The content in this guide is free, but creating it takes time and money. If you like this content, .