Your donations tell Kuovonne that you value her content and want her to continue publishing. Learn to read documentation. While there are many ways to learn how to code, being able to learn from documentation is one of the best ways to learn.
Documentation is available. Documentation usually exists, even when there are no other resources. It is also usually free and instantly available on the internet. You can read at your own pace, slowing down to go over tricky concepts, and skimming past parts that are not relevant. As you read documentation, you must mentally digest the information yourself, versus having answers pointed out for you. Written documentation often contains details and nuances that are missing in other resources. Most documentation falls into one of two general categories:
Lessons and getting started guides are best read from start to finish. They may have a specific scope-and-sequence where concepts build on each other. When you are new to a language or library, this type of documentation is often the best place to start. Reference material is organized so that you can jump around to the specific topic you want. This material works best after you have a basic understanding of the language or library. The content in this guide is free, but creating it takes time and money. If you like this content, .