How Kuovonne Codas
Building Techniques

icon picker
Internal navigation

Thank Kuovonne for creating this content!
How you create your links to other pages in the same doc affects how the links behave in the original doc, published versions of the doc, and copies of the doc.

Text link

You can create text links by typing an @ symbol and picking the page name from the list. This type of link will work across all versions of the doc (original, published, and copies) without any changes.

Button link

You can create a button that opens the URL for the page within the doc. You can use either the Open Hyperlink action, or the openWindow() action function.
If you only need to open the a page in the original doc, you can copy/paste the full URL of the page. However, for a button that works with both the original doc and copies of the doc, use a formula to build the URL.
At the time of this writing, it is not possible for a button link to work with both the original doc and the published version of the doc. At best, the button would always open the page in the original doc, or always open the page in the published doc.

Mimicking the look of a navigation button

If you want the look-and-feel of a navigation button, but need the link to work across all versions of the doc (original, published, and copies), you can mimic the look of a giant button by using a text link inside a call-out.
This link won’t take you anywhere because it is a link to this same page!

Thank Kuovonne for creating this doc!

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.