How Kuovonne Codas
Building Techniques

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Hidden back-end pages

Thank Kuovonne for creating this content!
For complex docs I have a hidden back-end page with several sub pages. Hiding these things gets them out of the way for regular users of the doc.
Data Tables pages. These pages contain the original data tables. Visible pages contain only views of these pages. I keep the data unfiltered and all columns visible. Very large tables get a page by themselves. Small helper tables can be combined together on the same page.
Code page with . I store complex code on this page, including input controls, buttons with complex formulas, and named formulas that are not meant to be used directly by the user.
. This table stores named formulas.
. This table stores templates for canvas columns.
UI/UX Tables pages. Sometimes I have tables of that are mostly user interface elements, and not actual data. Typically the contents of these pages are filled mostly by formulas.
Personal Sandbox page. This page is a a playground for me to experiment. If I need to troubleshoot an issue or try out a feature, I can create views, formulas, or other items to . Everything on this page is temporary.
TO-DO page. Sometimes I keep a page of ongoing notes on future improvements to the doc
Most docs do not have all of these hidden back-end pages. Use only the pages that make sense for your doc.

Thank Kuovonne for creating this doc!

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