PoS selectionPoS analysis - narrow down to a few options & enter features + pricing into the Accounting system setupSet up accounting solution
Staff hiringRespond to & vet all chef Indeed candidates
Conduct chef first-round interviews
Interior design & constructionBuilding permits
Bar design ideas
List of to-do items for management company
Documentation & trainingEmployee handbook - initial draft
Migrate all planning & tracking to Coda
Add expenses policy - what to expense and how
Add mandated rules to employee handbook
Communications & branding setupSocial media content & strategy
Permits & licensesSpecial use permit
Register basset certificate with Palatine PD
Insurance selection & purchaseWorkers comp insurance?
Dram shop insurance quote
Budget & financials setupSet up budget & financials
Restaurant launch strategic planningEvent schedule & planning document (calendar of events??)
Payroll & HR system setupPayroll solution options
Create scheduling app