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With a dedicated server, we can do a ton of stuff that just isn’t possible on regular bancho servers.

osu! oauth login
osu! leaderboards, sorted by pp. Unranked maps also supported, we fetch by md5.
leaderboard query should return extra map info like loudness, online offset etc
should be able to receive new scores live
Score submission, with support for neosu mods
Offline score submission (?)
Classic 1v16 multiplayer, with support for neosu mods
Multiplayer with custom gamemodes (?)
pp speedrun as example
team bingo as example

#neosu chat channel
skin repository
collection sync

(?) features might get paywalled. Right now I’m working on neosu on my free time, and it would be nice to work on it full time without having to worry about food/rent...
I don’t like thinking about monetization, but a monthly subscription for extra features is probably the best way to do it. Especially if those features incur an extra server cost, or are easy to abuse by malicious actors.

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