icon picker

make sure all cvars are saved, not just the ones with exposed settings menu options
add missing settings menu options when it makes sense
check cvar LOCKED/NONVANILLA/PRIVATE/etc are correct
can’t click on personal best score
hide the buttons that arent hidden despite setVisible(false)
fix music pausing if playing and we open song browser
fix main menu being silent on launch??
don’t crash if legacy replay data is invalid
Allow dropping files on neosu.exe (also fix working directory)
make anti-flashlight mod opposite of flashlight mod (button behavior like dt/nc)
make it white-ISH
change opacity to be less epileptic
test if default hitsound pitch modifier factor is ok
test map/score db conversion, db loading/saving
test playfield rotation in replays
Bulk import background tasks:
Scan replays to convert scores to new format
Fix replay simulation desync
Fix replay simulation loading map twice
Fix replay simulation being ultra slow
Also compute ppv2 for scores without ppv2
Update score, pp etc
Fix leaderboard pp calcs changing after inspecting score screen (wtf)
fix map info pp (string?) not refreshing when changing mods/speed
Fix leaderboard pp calcs ignoring mod flags
Replace ModSelection with Replay::Mods
Show “view replay” button on score page (and “retry” if score screen)
Display notification when a map fails to start()
Simulate gameplay directly from replay frames instead of interpolating
Test replay simulation with mods
Make it simulate replay when seeking to fix livescore
add nofail if spectating, as we might be missing replay start
Have correct accuracy/combo/score when scrubbing
Save pp calculations (along with stars calculations, BPM, offsets)
Save grades from locals/online scores, don’t just use stable’s
Use online offset, update online offset from bancho-compatible servers
bring back the grouping buttons
Enjoy the game test for at least an hour before release
Fix crash on quit due to leaderboard pp calc thread
Fix DT/HT buttons not working as expected
Fix speed/bpm slider not resetting when clicking reset mods
Mods aren’t getting set? Even when watching replay. cv_mods bullshit?
Make score multiplier scale on speed instead of fixed value for HT/DT
Remove code related to server-forced cvars Server owners are not productive enough for this to be useful Client freedom is more valuable
Mark negative star rating maps to be reprocessed, and reprocess, and indicate progress
Instantly set them to positive so search/sort works correctly
Compute BPM and pp for all maps with old/unknown pp system
Compute map loudness (use default if not computed yet)
Update protocol version to 20240820.1
dont make pp calcs block main thread
Load timing points for main menu on song select
Save "overrides" for stable maps eg offset, background hidden or not, pp/sr calc, loudness etc
Save local offset, along with values of stable and online offset. Update if stable/online changed.
Don’t load timing points from database, instead load them on map select (reduces ram usage by ~400mb, improves db loading speed) Downside is BPM needs to be calculated at some point... do that during bg stars calc?
dont use instafade sliderhead by default
make slider instafade setting separate from instafade setting
chat beatmap link not jumping to song button when imported
hr pp calc looks overweighted, is ar applied twice?
fix score buttons showing 0pp
Optimize db loading by reading file in 2mb chunks to ring buffer instead of all at once Can make BanchoStream object for bancho protocol handling
nightcore is always getting selected in restoreMods() because DT mod is selected after override slider
Add keybind to bring up skin selection menu
“Local best” score is missing its avatar
remove tooearly/toolate, replace by pitch modifier with factor cvar

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