Quickly onboard new team members asynchronously using Coda's super powers!
Welcome to the Team!

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Your Onboarding Set Up

Before starting your adventure, choose your role →

Great! Now the checklist is customized for you. A few tips:
A light gray activity means that there is a pre-requisite for that item. Check off the preceding activity as “Done” and you will automatically level-up to access the original activity.
Mark activities as “Done” once you finish them and use to see how far you have come in the onboarding journey. Use the green button at the top of the page to mark an entire week’s activities as “completed” once you have finished all the activities.
No adventurer onboards alone! Have a question on an activity or content? Click the yellow “Discuss with buddy” button on your checklist and add the question. You can then reference these questions during conversations with your buddy on the page.

The wilds of onboarding are tough to face alone, meet your onboarding buddy, here to guide you through your first few quests!


Clank (Model: XJ-0461)
Meet Your Buddy!

Home is now behind you, the world is ahead! Start here:

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