Quickly onboard new team members asynchronously using Coda's super powers!
Quickly onboard new hires using Coda's super powers!

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Set up Instructions for Admin

🚨 🚧 This is a construction page 🚨 🚧

Use this page as a step-by-step guide for setting up the doc for your new team members.

Delete this page once you have followed the steps below.

👋 Click here if you prefer a video tour


✏️ Step by step instructions:

1️⃣ Step 1 - Create your own version of this doc.
Copy this doc

2️⃣ Step 2 - Update roles, activities, and meetings for the team members you are onboarding

Adjust the role and activities fields to represent your team’s specific needs (we currently have CSM, SDR and AE roles and activities for our very own Guild!)
Set the timeline in for onboarding (our team uses a full month, others like to do 30/60/90 - its totally up to you)
In the , de-collapse and update the roles table to reflect who is onboarding! We have our customers team roles shown, but remember you can use this for any role in any department: Sales, IT, HR, Product, you name it!
De-collapse and adjust activity types as well, if needed.
Activity & description
When the activity is due
Type of Activity
Adjust to your company’s meetings and change the Audiences in the table above.

3️⃣ Step 3 - Review, separate and share!

Add any other onboarding docs you would like for New Hires to have access to as new pages.
Copy separate docs for each team member who is onboarding.
Do a good sanity check to make sure all the info you need is in each doc.
Add New Hire’s name to the doc title, delete THIS instructions page and you are ready to share!


Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.