icon picker
Week 6

Week 6 plan, feedback and review
Clear sample data
Task 6
Responsible Members
Single Property Display
Property Details Page
Design the layout for displaying detailed information for a property. Content??
Pragadh Shrestha
Week 6
4/3/24 - 10/3/24
Develop frontend components(Which details?) for single property view.
Sonam Wangmo
4/3/24 - 10/3/24
Implement backend logic for fetching and displaying property details. Query, .........
Yuan Cao
4/3/24 - 10/3/24
Navigation Bar
Design the user interface for signout functionality. detailed info required
chungdu gyeltshen
Week 6
4/3/24 - 10/3/24
Implement frontend components(???) for signout.
Om Bikram
4/3/24 - 10/3/24
Implement backend logic for user logout.
Sonam Wangmo
4/3/24 - 10/3/24
Search box
Pragadh Shrestha
chungdu gyeltshen
About Us
About us page
Sonam Wangmo
Buy Page
Sonam Wangmo
Rent Page
Rent Page
Sonam Wangmo
Contact Us
Contact Us page
Karma Phuntsho
Contact form validation
Karma Phuntsho
There are no rows in this table

Acceptance Test

Single Property Display
Task: Design the layout for displaying detailed information for a property.
Acceptance Criteria:
The property details page should have a clear and user-friendly layout.
Property details such as name, description, price, images, location, and amenities should be displayed.
Each detail should be properly labeled and formatted for easy reading.
Images should be displayed in a gallery format with the option to view them in full size.
Amenities should be listed in a clear and organized manner.
Task: Design the user interface for signout functionality.
Acceptance Criteria:
The signout button should be prominently displayed in the navigation bar.
Upon clicking the signout button, the user should be logged out of their account.
After signing out, the user should be redirected to the login page or a designated landing page.
Search Box
Task: Implement a search box.
Acceptance Criteria:
The search box should be accessible from any page within the application.
Users should be able to enter search queries related to properties, such as location, price range, and amenities.
The search functionality should return relevant results based on the user's input.
Search results should be displayed in a clear and organized manner, with options for filtering and sorting.
About Us
Task: Create an About Us page.
Acceptance Criteria:
The About Us page should provide information about the company or organization behind the application.
It should include details such as mission, vision, history, team members, and contact information.
The page layout should be visually appealing and easy to navigate.
Buy Page
Task: Design the Buy Page.
Acceptance Criteria:
The Buy Page should list properties available for purchase.
Each property listing should include essential details like price, location, size, and features.
Users should be able to filter properties based on their preferences, such as location, price range, and property type.
Rent Page
Task: Design the Rent Page.
Acceptance Criteria:
The Rent Page should display properties available for rent.
Property listings should include information such as rent amount, lease duration, location, and amenities.
Users should have the option to filter rental properties based on criteria like location, price range, and number of bedrooms/bathrooms.
Contact Us
Task: Create a Contact Us page.
Acceptance Criteria:
The Contact Us page should include a contact form for users to submit inquiries or feedback.
Form fields should include name, email, subject, message, and optional attachments.
Form validation should ensure that required fields are filled out correctly before submission.
Upon successful submission, a confirmation message should be displayed to the user.
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