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Team Role

Assigned to
Project Manager (Coordination and Leadership)
• Lead the project's strategic planning and execution, aligning with overarching objectives. • Consistently ensure that project milestones and deadlines are achieved, addressing potential challenges proactively. • Foster team collaboration, reinforcing alignment with project goals • Organize and facilitate team meetings, tracking and communicating progress effectively.
Karma Phuntsho
UI/UX Designer (Design and User Experience)
• Gather and interpret user requirements, ensuring the design meets user needs. • Craft intuitive user interface and user experience designs for the platform. • Develop interactive mockups and wireframes to facilitate user testing and feedback collection. • Ensure designs are not only user-centric but also aesthetically pleasing. • Present designs to stakeholders and integrate feedback to enhance the design iterations.
Karma Phuntsho
chungdu gyeltshen
Front-End Developer (Web Development)
• Create the team charter, ensuring it reflects the project's evolving nature. • Oversee the development of the front-end using technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. • Guarantee the website's adaptability across multiple devices and screen sizes. • Work in collaboration with the UI/UX Designer to flawlessly implement design elements.
Sonam Wangmo
Yuan Cao
Back-End Developer (Data Handling)
• Create and update the system metaphor diagram, capturing the system's evolving structure. • Create a project timeline, budget and effort estimates. • Develop and maintain back-end functionalities, particularly focusing on property listings. • Oversee the secure storage, retrieval, and integration of property data, ensuring swift and reliable data operations.
Om Bikram
Quality Assurance Tester (Testing and Quality Assurance)
• Engage with the client to ascertain project requirements, ensuring a deep understanding of their vision and expectations. • Ensures a thorough understanding of the client's needs and expectations. • Undertake thorough testing of the prototype, identifying and documenting any anomalies or issues. • Ensure the website aligns with set quality standards and fulfills its intended functions.
Pragadh Shrestha
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