
Navigating Your Journey: Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions About the KANU Ambassador Program.

About the Program

Who is eligible to become a KANU Ambassador?

Freshmen to seniors in college are eligible to apply for the KANU Ambassador Program.

How do I apply?

You can apply by filling out a
and attending one call.

Roles & Responsibilities

What are the primary tasks of a KANU Ambassador?

Ambassadors serve multiple roles, such as raising brand awareness, creating and managing content, and even moving into leadership positions. Specific tasks range from sharing KANU on social media to hosting events on campus.

How much time do I need to commit?

There's no set time commitment. However, you must earn a minimum of 30 points per week to stay active in the program.

Benefits & Incentives

What are the rewards for participating?

are based on milestones and can range from gift cards to career opportunities, such as becoming the official marketplace manager for your campus.

Are there career development opportunities?

Yes, advancing through milestones could lead to a salaried position as a marketplace manager.

Tools & Resources

Is training provided?

No formal training is provided, but you will an onboarding call, access to digital kits, tutorials, and more to guide you.

What marketing materials will I get?

You will receive digital kits, pre-made slides, and various other marketing materials, including KANU-branded merchandise.

Community & Support

Is there a community where ambassadors can interact?

Yes, we have a Discord channel where all ambassadors can communicate and share their experiences.

Who should I contact for technical support?

For any technical issues, you can reach out to .

Termination and Exit

What happens if I become inactive?

If an ambassador is inactive for more than two weeks, they will be terminated and cannot cash in any points.

How do I exit the program?

Complete the exit survey. After submission, you are free to leave the program with no strings attached.

Platform-Specific Questions

How does KANU integrate with academic settings?

KANU can be embedded into classroom curricula and can also be used by clubs for various purposes, including fundraising.

Will I have access to data and analytics?

Yes, each ambassador will have access to a dashboard to track their performance and impact.


What is the code of conduct?

Ambassadors must not fabricate proof of task completion and must only share truthful information about KANU's features and offerings.

What are the legal aspects?

Any illegal actions undertaken while serving as an ambassador will be reported to the school or authorities.

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