My name is Jude Bornstein-Chau and I am proud to serve on the Advisory Board of Integrative Medicine for the Underserved, a fiscal sponsor of the Tides Foundation. I am writing to thank you for being such a staunch supporter in the past, and also to inform you about opportunities to support our 2023 conference.
For the 3rd year in a row, our conference will continue to explore themes of what it means to decolonize integrative medicine. Our conference this year expands on previous themes to include the urgent matter of climate change.
We are very proud to announce that in 2023, we will be conducting our first-ever hybrid conference. This conference, titled “Decolonizing Medicine: Recentering Climate, Health and Equity in the Spectrum of Care”, will take place at HBC Huston-Tillotson University in Austin, Texas, and will offer both our first in-person conference since the COVID pandemic began, and also our foray into the new era of hybrid conferences.
It is well-known that the profit motive currently dominating the American healthcare system is leading to moral injury, cynicism, and burnout among America’s healthcare professionals and patients alike. IM4US is combatting that motive by supporting practitioners actively addressing the Upstream determinants of health, providing root cause medicine, connection and collaboration. We invite you to support a conference that energizes our practitioners, and to participate in a movement that is shifting the current healthcare paradigm towards one of prevention, patient empowerment, inclusion, and social activism.
is a link to Tides Center Contribution form should you choose to support our conference. You can choose general funds or one of the other specific ways to offer conference support. We have several options for sponsorship (see attached prospectus), (Insert hyperlink when prospectus is available). We will be very proud to list you as a conference sponsor on all our social media platforms, (We should have a mock-up of these announcements with a link in the letter) conference materials, and in our 2023 annual review.
Please let me know if I can provide you with any additional information. We look forward to your support and involvement!
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