Thank you for submitting a proposal to present at the 2022 Annual Conference of IM4US on October 6-8, 2022. On behalf of the Annual Conference Planning Committee and our Review Panel, we are pleased to confirm the acceptance of your submission as follows:
SESSION FORMAT: Asynchronous, pre-recorded session to be launched October 6, 7 or 8.
Form by July 18. Each presenter outlined in your proposal must submit an agreement. Kindly forward this confirmation to your co-presenters before July 18, 2022.
Presenters and Co-Presenters: In recognition of your contribution, IM4US is extending a conference registration discount for the three-day Annual Conference and a daily rate to presenters and your co-presenters. Discount codes are case sensitive.
Early, Full Conference Speaker Discount Code of $99: Speaker-EarlyFull
Early, Daily Speaker Discount Code of $59: Speak1DayEarlyRate
Please share this discount code with your confirmed co-presenters.
July 21 - Technical specifications for pre-recording your asynchronous session will be emailed to you and your co-presenters.
July 27 - Resolve Presenter and Co-Presenter Disclosure Conflicts of Interest
July 28 - Get social and share your Presenter Role on your IM4US Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram Channels.
August 1 - Register by August 1 to receive your Event Platform Login Credentials.
August 2 - Registered presenters will receive event platform credentials for access to Pathable.
August 5 - Upload your preliminary PPT presentation and session to Pathable for CME approval.
August 5 - Upload your two-question assessment with answer options and correct answers. Your assessment will measure how well the learner achieved your session’s educational objectives.
August 5, 5:00 pm, ET (Asynchronous and Poster Sessions only) - Upload your recording or video stream URL to Pathable. Click here to