More frictionless registration and payment - Or firewall for those who register but do not pay.
Call for proposals 6 months before conference
Schedule Finalized and registration opened 4 months before conference
CME finalized 60 days before conference
Location/AV contract finalized 6 months before conference
Food Contracts finalized 60 days before conference
Hotels finalized before registration opens (6 months ahead?) or, if at University location - can dorms be used?
Make sure to have 1, 2 or full conference registration available
PIVOT IF YOU NEED TO!! We need to define what “successful conference” means - is this revenue? #of attendees? Good feedback?
CME committee to communicate with presenters RE: CME guidelines and expectations. presenters must submit min. 2 citations with their learning objectives when accepted.
Need to submit an event form with Tides for every event organized/held by the Org.
Forms required from Tides for every event - COI, event form, vendor review forms and contracts, others??
Need to find an LMS - Higher cost, but offers more flexibility. But if no LMS, consider different platform than MN. Slides even on computers, look blurry (AL - I think until we get steady funding, we should stay with Mighty Networks because we dont have the funds and bandwidth to do anything new for next year)
AL - decide on the theme before the prior year’s conference to announce at the conference
AL - graphic designer - secure graphics for the conference at least 2 months prior for branded marketing
AL - finalize the conference program a MINIMUM of 2wks with no last minute changes
Conference Debrief points:
Moderators for each talk
Better timing between talks - time management to ease people’s transitions
Coming up with rules or “code of Conduct” for speakers
More sponsors
Question about whether Board retreat should be the same day as the conference
Trouble understanding the conference theme - need to be more mindful about choosing a theme
Hybrid was powerful model
Consider breakout rooms, one or two at least.
Figuring out device/website interactions for future
Like the committee open houses, but not enough details ahead of time.
Other ways to gather - Topic small groups or regional small groups
Theme - One that is both a stretch and also unifying
Recruiting from other conferences -
Presentation education sessions - Website series from REC about conference education sessions for presenters?
More food/snacktime
If changes happen, make sure they are happening earlier, and near the conference, less change : “Conference corner” in the newsletter?
Preaching to the choir rather than building the choir - how do we build our membership and build topics that have broader appeal?
Establish a story - for the conference? What is the beginning, the middle and the end? More inclusive, and also more defined
Greater involvement of advisory board - May have helped with sponsorships and planning etc...
Greater practicality and clinical topics in order to help navigate our members learn more about how to navigate payers
Need better communication around what was in hand and what was not.
Sponsorships for food
Potential themes for next year:
Interprofessional collaboration: How to build interprofessional bridges between allopathic and integrative practitioners
Ideas from Udaya:
For each presentation, what is the social justice lens? How does this change the world we live in toward greater justice.
Also, who is it for? Early-career, mid-career or seasoned?
Instagram post, make the title more specific - Or possibly 2 different posts?
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