Research notes

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Optimizing workspace

Light your workspace as much as possible on first 8 hours
turn on overhead lights if possible
early in the day is best to do analytical depth work
open window, more sunlight that way
Dim lights on the second part (8 - 16 hours)
Better for creative / abstract thinking this phase
reduce overhead light
Get morning sunlight within 30-60 mins of waking
Where to look where I work
at least be eye level and at even better if is a bit higher
how to do long deep work
you need time to get to level of focus - at least 6 minutes to engage / ramp up to focus
unless you are very excited or under a lot of time pressure
Set the right visual window size
you want to keep what you need on your visual space if you have your hands as horse blinders
45 min / 5 min rule
for evert 45 min focus , get 5 mins of relaxing your eyes
Cathedral effect
our thinking becomes more constrained in tight / closed spaces → good for analytical/focus work
other option is to put a cap
our thinking goes more broad / future thinking in open spaces → good for creative work
Background music
People will vary in how much tolerate background noise (and it varies even for each person during the day)
Background noise to avoid: humming of air conditioner that is loud increases mental fatigue; in young children white noise can cause deficit in language development
Sounds to improve: isócronic tones, monoraal beats, binaural beats; binaural beats of 40hz takes into higher level of learning, pure binaural beats without other sounds like rain;
Interruptions are deadly for focus, acknowledge the present but don’t orient the body to the person or say always no
Movement: sitting and standing combination is the best, split 50-50
Thread I’ll/bycicle at desk: type of exercise does not matter; improved attention and cognitive control;but verbal memory got worse

Ship it manual - Seth Godin


Daniel Goleman - focus

inner focus - being aware of what is inside yourself

Huberman - achieving goals and managing dopamine

Caffeine creates an exponent effect of creating dopamine
Intermitent dopamine - you don’t want peak dopamine for long time as reduces your baseline
Not layer dopamines in things that already give dopamine (podcast exercise?)
“This is very painful but is worth it” focus on effort
Higher dopamine slows time down (tend to overestimate how much time has passed)
Early in the day times move slowly (creative work better on end of day
Trauma overcoming is about being able to replay the moment in a slow frame rate (to detach the emotional feeling)
Introvert get more dopamine from social Interactions than extroverts
Should we gift randomly vs in special occasions
Flexible social hierarchy sometimes we take the lead on some subjects and let others take lead in others
We connect in body sensations socially (concerts)
Sensation vs perception: you always have sensations through our all your senses, but perception is when you focus
Role for multitasking: needs to be used strategically, gets you into action before a focused work
Looking into a narrow dot for 60 seconds before going into dedicated work (work on visual focus)- looking into a goal line helps you get there
Delayed discounted: the further the goal the worst for staying motivated. Way to bridge gap is to visualize the future (your future self )- it helps to start pursuit of the goal but not good to keep doing action (for that is better to visualize failure)


Temptation building

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