ADHD my life

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Physical Health

Exercising everyday is very important for me to feel energetic. I take one day off where I do a Yoga Restorative session which really helps me to stretch the muscles and relax.
I like to do a mix of cardio and strength training. More info on exercise in the research section .

Some tips that helped me stay on track:
Make it easier to do it - invest in proper clothes
Make specific goals over time, eg. every 6 months set a goal for the next period (eg. increase abs muscle) and research what makes
Make it the exercise plan that increases the load every week
Make sure you move throughout the day - I use

Bike ride (30-45 min)
Arms / Abs
Abs exercises in the morning
Bouldering with friends in the evening for arms
Run (30 mins - regular course)
Bike ride (1 hour) - recovery
Arms / Abs
Bike ride (long ride)

Upper body

Rest tips
Listen to your body, if you feel very tired, take the day off or do a light exercise
Do not exercise if feeling sick, better to wait and recover faster

Goal oriented plan

Goal: Touching my toes while standing, with legs straight (improve harmstring flexibility
Distance from hand to foot while stretched
I can touch the very top of my foot the bone where feet starts
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Exercise program:
10 mins everyday

Daily Routine (5-10 minutes)

Foam Rolling (2-3 minutes):
Target your hamstrings, calves, and lower back.
Spend about 30 seconds on each area.
Roll slowly and pause on any particularly tight spots.
Fascia Stretcher for Hamstrings (1-2 minutes):
Use the fascia stretcher as directed, focusing on your hamstrings.
This can help in deeper release of tightness.
Stretching Exercises (Remaining time):
Proceed with the Seated and Standing Hamstring Stretches, Cat-Cow, and Pelvic Tilts as outlined in the initial plan.
With the muscles and fascia warmed up from the rolling and stretching, you might find greater flexibility.
Seated Hamstring Stretch:
Sit on the ground with your legs extended.
Reach towards your feet as far as comfortable.
Hold for 15-30 seconds.
Standing Hamstring Stretch:
Stand and cross one foot in front of the other.
Bend at the waist and reach towards your toes.
Hold for 15-30 seconds and switch legs.
Cat-Cow Stretch (for lower back):
On hands and knees, alternate arching and rounding your back.
Move slowly, holding each position for a few seconds.
Pelvic Tilts:
Lie on your back with knees bent.
Flatten your back against the floor by tightening your abdominal muscles.
Hold for a few seconds and release.

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