$EMBR Token

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Tokenomics and Distribution

Token Symbol: EMBR
Token address: 0x6CB8065F96d63630425fd95A408A0D6cD697C662
Vault contract address: 0x1dE22D4C31d8a52603156c4D0487950aA0AD6617
Private presale contract address: 0x2783b3Ef0E9D73418e64090c255DAeEc35c061A6
Public presale contract address: 0xB149B9BA825Dd1e752CEf69F5DD7ED401aA39E94
Total Supply: 300,000,000 EMBR
Private presale: 45,000,000 EMBR
Private presale price: 0.000052 BNB
Tokens being offered in Private+Public presale: 45,000,000 EMBR each
Public presale price: 0.000072 BNB
Hacken smart contract audits: , ,

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