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Transforming communities

Radical community services - not-for-profit design

Transforming community services - not-for-profit design

Introduction: This policy document outlines a framework for transforming outsourcing practices by bringing all services and operations into not-for-profit, community-led practices. By prioritising the well-being and empowerment of communities, this policy aims to ensure that essential services are delivered with a focus on community needs rather than profit-driven motives.

Evaluation and Transition:

Assess Current Outsourcing Arrangements:

Conduct a comprehensive evaluation of existing outsourcing contracts and agreements, considering their impact on communities, service quality, and value for money. Identify services that are vital for the community's well-being and determine if they should be brought back in-house.

Transition Strategy:

Develop a strategic plan for transitioning services from outsourced models to not-for-profit, community-led practices. This plan should outline specific timelines, responsibilities, and necessary resources for an efficient and successful transition.

Community Engagement:

Ensure active involvement of community members, service users, and relevant stakeholders in the decision-making process. Conduct consultations, forums, and engagement sessions to gather input, address concerns, and incorporate community perspectives in the transition strategy.

Establishing Community-Led Practices:

Not-for-Profit Entities: Create not-for-profit entities, such as community cooperatives, social enterprises, or community interest companies, to take over the delivery of essential services. These entities should have a clear mission to prioritise community well-being, participation, and equitable access to services.
Participatory Governance: Adopt governance structures that provide opportunities for community members to actively participate in decision-making processes. These could include boards of directors with community representation, regular community assemblies, or other mechanisms that allow for democratic and inclusive decision-making.
Capacity Building and Training: Provide capacity-building support and training to community-led entities to enhance their administrative, financial, and management capabilities. This includes access to expert guidance, mentorship programs, and resources to ensure effective service delivery and long-term sustainability.

Funding and Financial Support:

Grants and Subsidies: Allocate resources and establish grant programs to financially support community-led entities in delivering essential services. These grants should prioritise projects that demonstrate a strong commitment to community well-being, equitable access, and sustainable practices.
Collaborative Funding Approach: Facilitate partnerships between community-led entities, local authorities, philanthropic organisations, and other stakeholders to pool resources and share financial responsibilities. This collaborative approach helps to ensure financial stability and long-term viability of community-led practices.
Ethical Procurement Practices: align procurement policies with the goal of supporting not-for-profit, community-led practices. Utilise ethical, social value, and environmental considerations in procurement processes, favouring community-led entities and social enterprises in service contracts.
Conclusion: Transforming outsourcing practices to not-for-profit, community-led models prioritises community well-being and participation over profit-driven motives. By evaluating existing outsourcing arrangements, engaging communities, establishing community-led practices, and providing necessary financial support, this policy framework aims to create a more equitable, participatory, and sustainable approach to service delivery. Collaborative efforts among local authorities, community organisations, and stakeholders are critical to successfully implement this transformation, empowering communities and fostering a sense of ownership and control over essential services.

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