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Positive Discriminatory Pay Structures Policy for Local Government

Positive Discriminatory Pay Structures Policy for Local Government
Policy Statement: The aim of this policy is to establish positive discriminatory pay structures within the local government to promote diversity, equal opportunity, and to address historical disadvantages faced by certain marginalized groups. This policy recognizes that promoting diversity within the workforce is essential for creating inclusive and representative local governments that can effectively serve all members of the community.
To ensure equitable compensation for all qualified employees regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, or other protected characteristics.
To foster a diverse and inclusive workforce that reflects the makeup of the community.
To address historical disadvantages faced by marginalized groups through targeted pay adjustments.
To adhere to all relevant legislation regarding equal pay and discrimination.
Policy Guidelines:
Pay Equity Review: a. Conduct regular pay equity reviews to identify any disparities based on protected characteristics. b. Review job classifications and descriptions to ensure they accurately reflect the skills and responsibilities associated with each position. c. Conduct market analysis to benchmark salaries against comparable roles in the private sector and adjust pay scales accordingly.?
Positive Discriminatory Pay Adjustments: a. Identify historically disadvantaged groups within the workforce based on demographic data. b. Assess the impact of historical disadvantages on career progression and earnings potential. c. Develop targeted pay adjustments for underrepresented groups to address historical disadvantages and promote pay equity. d. Pay adjustments should be implemented based on objective criteria, such as the differences in earnings between employees from underrepresented groups and their counterparts. e. Regularly monitor and reassess the effectiveness of pay adjustments to ensure their continued appropriateness.?
Inclusive Hiring Practices: a. Implement inclusive hiring practices that actively encourage applications from all qualified candidates, regardless of protected characteristics. b. Review recruitment strategies to attract diverse candidates, including advertising in locations and publications that reach underrepresented groups. c. Provide unconscious bias training for those involved in the recruitment and selection process to mitigate any potential biases.?
Transparency and Communication: a. Communicate the positive discriminatory pay structures policy to all employees, emphasizing its purpose and benefits. b. Provide opportunities for employees to raise concerns or provide feedback related to pay equity. c. Regularly report on progress and outcomes related to pay equity and diversity goals to stakeholders, including employees and the public.?
Implementation and Review:
The Human Resources department shall be responsible for implementing and overseeing this policy.
Establish a Pay Equity Committee comprising representatives from diverse backgrounds to review pay equity data, recommend pay adjustments, and monitor progress.
Regularly review and update the policy to align with best practices, legislation, and changes in organizational needs.
Adherence to Legislation: This policy shall adhere to all relevant legislation and regulations concerning equal pay and non-discrimination, including but not limited to the Equal Pay Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, and state or local laws on pay equity.
By implementing positive discriminatory pay structures, our local government can take proactive steps towards addressing historical disadvantages and promoting a more inclusive and equitable workforce. This policy ensures that all employees have equal opportunities for advancement and fair compensation, resulting in a more representative and effective local government for all community members.

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