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Transforming communities

Embracing an Ecological Civilisation System

Embracing an Ecological Civilisation System

Policy Statement: We recognise that the current narrative surrounding our system often focuses on labelling it as 'broken.' However, it is more accurate and empowering to acknowledge that the system is not broken but rather operating as it was intentionally designed to be – one that prioritises extraction and exploitation for short-term gains. With a renewed understanding, we propose reframing the narrative to inspire the transition towards a life-affirming ecological civilisation system. This policy outlines the principles and actions necessary to envision, establish, and foster such a system, ensuring the well-being of both humanity and the planet for present and future generations.

Paradigm Shift:

We will intentionally shift our perspective from a mindset of extraction and exploitation to one of stewardship and regeneration, recognising that our actions have profound consequences for the environment and future generations. We will view nature (including humans) not as a resource to extract, but as a complex web of interdependencies that requires nurturing.

Holistic Systems Thinking:

We will adopt a holistic approach to policy making and decision-making processes, considering the interconnectedness of social, economic, and ecological systems at local, regional, and global scales. This approach will guide us in developing policies that prioritise long-term regeneration, resilience, and human well-being alongside ecological health.

Transitioning to Renewable and Regenerative Practices:

We will actively support and incentivise the transition from resource-depleting practices towards renewable and regenerative alternatives. This includes promoting clean energy technologies, shifting towards regenerative agriculture, and embracing circular, regenerative economy principles to minimise waste and reduce impact upon the environment.

Conservation and Restoration:

We will prioritise the protection, conservation, and restoration of ecosystems, recognising their critical role in maintaining biodiversity, adapting to and mitigating for the impact of climate change, and providing essential ecosystem services. Through effective land and water stewardship, we will safeguard our natural heritage and ensure its continued existence for the future.

Education and Awareness:

We will promote widespread education and awareness programs to cultivate a strong understanding of ecological interdependencies, sustainable lifestyles, and the advantages of ecological civilisation. By fostering a culture of environmental citizenship, we can empower individuals, communities, and organisations to embrace regenerative practices and contribute to positive change.

Collaboration and Partnerships:

We will actively seek collaboration and partnership opportunities with governments, civil society, businesses, and indigenous communities, recognising that the transition to an ecological civilisation requires collective action and shared responsibility. By engaging diverse stakeholders, we can harness collective wisdom, expertise, and resources to achieve our common goals.

Long-Term Vision:

We will develop a long-term vision for an ecological civilisation system that encompasses economic prosperity, social equity, environmental sustainability, and cultural diversity. This vision will guide our policies, programs, and strategies, ensuring a balanced approach that meets the needs of current and future generations while respecting planetary boundaries.

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