With Innoflow, it becomes easy to set up and organise your case event. Below you find the necessary steps to set up your own event, including how to create the event and case pages, setting up judging criteria and creating feedback as well as configuring participation to your needs.
Help video: ‘Administrator: Getting started with Innoflow’
The Dashboard
The dashboard is the first thing you see when you log in and where you can control everything related to your event and its settings. It is sorted into groupings for easy navigation:
Event setup
1: Naming and branding
Under Name and Logo you can both name your event and upload your logo. Likewise, it is possible to select a set of colours for your event under Event Theme. Doing this will enable you to have a consistent brand experience from considering signing up, through solving the case and in all email communication.
2: Milestones
With Milestones you can structure your event and give all participants an overview of deadlines for the various stages of your event. These will conveniently be part of your event and case pages in the form of a timeline along with a countdown.
Once you have clicked the Milestones option in the dashboard, go ahead and drag and drop your milestones on the timeline. ‘The Sign-up deadline’, ‘Case launch’ and ‘Submission Deadline milestones’ are required for any event, but you are free to add any of your suggested milestones or create entirely new ones for your event.
The event and case pages are essential for the experience of your participants as this is where they will spend the majority of their time. The event page is the perfect place for all information relating to the event before signing up, while the case page should include all information relevant to the case itself. The case page will only be available after the case launch milestone.
Building pages
The process of building these pages are the same, and you can create them by going to ‘CreateEvent Page’ and ‘Edit Case Page’for the Case page. We recommend that you start with the event page, as sections from that page will be copied over to the case page for convenient reuse.
On the event page, you can add an event cover image, files such as pdf-files and CSV-files, links, as well as text, image and video sections. These will together become your event page.
Adding Sections
Click Add section at the bottom of the page to get started,
Pick your section type and upload and write your text for the section
Hit save.
You can also add links and files via the buttons in the right side column.
You can always preview your pages and check how it looks by the Preview Event Page and Preview Case Page options in the dashboard.
All your judges must be on the same page when it comes to assessing the solutions. This is why we have made it easy to ensure consistent judging by having your describing judging criteria as part of the judging process.
Under Judging criteria, start adding the criteria that you would like the judges to assess. You have the option of a Yes / No criterion or a Scales criterion, and then name the criteria and describe what basis the judges should evaluate the solutions. These descriptions will be available to judges when they vote.
For the Scaled criteria, you are even able to create feedbackfor a specific range of scores and for each criterion. This way, you can easily give all participants valuable context to their final assessment. If you want the option to send feedback, before all judges have given their evaluation, you can disable this default requirement under Feedback.
Also, you can invite and administer your judges under Event Judges.
help article, you can read more on Judging criteria and feedback.
5: Participation settings
Every participant that signs up gets their own profile. Under Participant information, you can require certain information from them apart from name and email, such as professional and personal skills, age and the like. You are even able to create your own fields for further information. All participants have to provide this information on their profile to fully qualify for the case.
You can also enable Onboardingto help new signups to provide the information.
The Individual or team-based option in the dashboard is where you control how if people should work on solutions by themselves or in teams, and how big these teams should be.
Events are individual based by default, so if you are looking to do a team-based event, enable that. Then set the range of team sizes that you allow.
Preformed teams
Teams that have formed away from Innoflow need to have only one team member sign up. Once this person has logged in, the rest of the teammates can be invited directly to their team. Please be sure to communicate this to participants.
Participant matching
If you enable Participant matchmaking under the option of the same name in the dashboard, participants can search and filter other participants and then invite them to join their team. They do this under Find team members from the participant dashboard.
As the data controller you are required to have your participants comply with your terms and conditions, that have to do with among other things, intellectual property, and your privacy policy, that concerns the handling of personal data.
You do this the Terms, Conditions and Privacy Policiesoption in the dashboard. When you have uploaded and enabled your documents, all new participants have to accept these policies when they first sign up.
For more detailed instructions on this, please visit this