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Getting started as an organizer with Innoflow

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Participant Information

Participant Information

Apart from name and email, you might want participants to provide additional information about themselves. This information will both be handy for you and other participants if you are running a team-based case solving with Participant Matching (Link) In this article you see how to add fields from a list of general information, how you can create your own custom fields.

Standard fields

If you navigate to ‘Participant Information’ from your dashboard, and then ‘Standard Fields’ you’ll find a list of general information to select from. Simply check all the ones you wish for your participants to provide, and they will be required information for the participants.
If a participant has not provided the information you have asked, this individual will be disqualified and are unable to upload their solutions.
There is also possiblility to add a field called “LinkedIn profile”, which allows participants to insert a link to their LinkedIn profile

Adding Custom fields

We understand every event is different and that you may want more specific information on your participants. This is why we allow you to create and add your custom fields.
Navigate to the ‘Add custom fields’ tab.
Click Add.
Name your new field
Your Custom field has now been added.

All the required information will be listed on the event and case pages.

Onboarding flow

In the onboarding flow tab, you have the option to toggle your onboarding flow on. When participants log in for the first time, they will be guided through a flow that makes it quick and easy for them to complete their profile. We recommend this is enabled.

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