All well-organised case events are built around a timeline that is communicated clearly. When you are setting up your event with Innoflow, we make it easy to do this by the use of milestones. These milestones are then displayed prominently on your event and case pages in a timeline, and with a convenient countdown clock. Not only does it automate manual work, so you save the trouble of keeping track of deadlines, it will also be appreciated by your participants. This article will help you set it up.
Help video: ‘Administrator: ‘Setting up Milestone’
Creating your timeline
Once you have navigated to Milestones via the Dashboard, you'll be ready to create your timeline. Every adjustment you make here will automatically reflect on both the event and case pages.
Drag and drop the required milestones in this order:
The Sign-up milestone marks the deadline time and date for your participants. It is only after this milestone has been set that participants can sign up.
The Case Launch milestone is the time and date at which the case you would like your participants to solve is released. An 'Open Case' button will automatically now show on the event page, and participants will be taken to the Case Page.
The Submissions deadline marks the cut-off point, at which participants can no longer upload solutions.
Add Suggested Milestones or create your own entirely new ones. You find the suggested milestones in the dropdown in the left side column right under the required ones, while you create new ones by hitting 'Create Milestone' in the right side column.
If you need to rearrange your milestones, you can move them up and down by the use of the arrows at the top right corner of each milestone.
Finally, you can go in and edit time, dates, descriptions of all milestones to fit your event, and hit 'save.'
Be aware that the required milestones need to have their time and date set before or after other. E.g. the submissions dead need to be after the case launch.
Once you are done you’ll see the countdown and timeline on the event and case pages, when you Preview the pages. You find the Preview optionsin the Dashboard.
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