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Our Philosophy, Mission & Vision

Who We Are

We are a group of passionate educators, social workers, psychologists, translators, parents, and students who strive together to build a dream school at Total Education. With extensive experience from diverse walks of life, we are committed to the holistic development of students.

Our Philosophy

What should individuals do with their lives? How will someone measure their life? How can one find their true calling in life? What is success? What is happiness? Do we need to trade one off for the other? We ask ourselves and our students these questions to spark some food for thought, bringing us to the next level of co-living.
Prior to that, we also ask ourselves: What is education for? How can we best prepare the students to thrive in future? Can we reimagine learning where it is enjoyable, valuable, & memorable? Can students succeed and succeed in happiness if we redesign our curriculum with Academic and Beyond Academic focus?
We believe that it is time for an interdisciplinary approach to education where we start with compassion to nurture students’ happiness and use wisdom to cultivate students’ integrity. Our hope is to equip students with values, skills, and knowledge they need to live a meaningful life and, thus, achieve Total WellBeing.
At Total Education, WellBeing consists of the following sectors:
Physical: breathe well, drink well, eat well, sleep well, & exercise regularly
Emotional: understanding and managing our emotions effectively
Social: meaningful relationships with sense of belonging
Intellectual: curiosity, study skills, critical thinking for personal growth & lifelong learning
Professional: ikigai in one’s life based on a purpose, a talent, grit & VIPS
Environmental: living in harmony with your surroundings and nature for sustainability
Spiritual: connecting with a purpose greater than oneself for Good Works regardless of religions, races, and genders
7 Sectors of Total WellBeing

Our Mission

Our calling is to promote the wellbeing of students, families, teachers, and societies because we believe in an integrated whole community approach for education. To ensure the success and happiness of students, we need to enhance the wellness of all other interconnected relationships.

Our Vision

We strive to be a happy place for every student, family, teacher, and partner. Our ultimate goal is a school of compassion and wisdom that connects everyone to harmonize the Total WellBeing.

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