All of your ingredients will go into the View of Single Ingredients table.
Just go through the list in your head and add all the ingredients you can think of.
Grab receipts and start entering current prices with supplier details. (You can also loop around and do that part later, but at a minimum, list the ingredient in the table now.)
If you need to come back to this list as you enter the recipes, no worries. You can add ingredients from the Add new recipe page.
Enter each ingredient only once.For example, enter “eggs” once. You can add alternative suppliers in the Alternative Supplier table. However, in the Master Ingredient table, use the supplier that you use most often.
You can enter purchased weights in grams or pounds. Everything is then converted into grams.
The goal is to get the price per gram for each ingredient you use.
The Suppliers tableis generated as you add supplier details and will give you a quick and easy view of your suppliers and the ingredients that you purchase from each supplier. (You can add alternative suppliers in the Alternative Supplier table if you want to keep track of backup pricing and options.)
✨ Step One continued...for subrecipes
If you use subrecipes (e.g., a sugar mix that you pre-mix together and then use in recipes), you will need to name it in the View Subrecipes only table. At the moment, you will just name it so that it is entered as an “ingredient” that can be used in recipes.
You will then build the subrecipe on the Add Subrecipe page.
You will add your primary sku for each Product, adding the “packaged sku weight” and the “batch size” when making that sku.
So if you make pecan granola in 5 sizes, for now, just add Pecan granola in your primary size (12 oz.) and the batch size for that sku (30).
In another example, we make Chocolate Chunk cookies in a 3 oz. package - one batch makes 15 of those 3 oz. packages.
Sell by each? Not by weight? See the sugar cookie example. Go ahead and put 1 as the weight. In this batch, you get 25 cookies. (Although weighing that cookie will give you more accurate results, which can be used for oz. and pound measurements.)
Step three: Add your recipes using Add New Recipe.
You will choose the ingredient from the drop-down list.
You will choose the product name.
You will need to weigh your ingredients and enter the weights in grams. This is grams per batch.
You will enter one recipe at a time and use the checkbox to add it to the database.
You can go back to view and edit a recipe at any time.
A red price per recipe means you have not added the cost details to the ingredient master list. You can still add the recipe... the pricing won’t be entirely accurate. (For example, I used to do this with salt. I added salt to the recipe but didn’t track the pricing as it was so inexpensive.)
Edit recipe: use the Edit Recipe page.
All recipes: view all recipes with the All Recipe page.
Step 4: View your Recipe Summary.
This is a summary of your products and the details for the main sku.
Reminder, the costs are for ingredients only at this stage.
If you did not weigh the packaged sku and just put 1 as the weight, the per oz. and per lb. calculation is not accurate.
Step 4B: Add your labor and materials.
Add your Production wage, staff hours per batch, and material costs per sku.
Staff hours per batch: The time for production and packaging.
Step 5: Enter and view wholesale and retail prices and margins.
Add your wholesale price and retail price here.
The data is currently sorted by wholesale margin %.
Bonus: If you have multiple pack sizes, you can see the data for each pack on the Multiple Pack Sizes page.
If you have the same sizes for each recipe (e.g., 3, 6, 12, 24 oz), you should edit the Template before duplicating it so that the template mirrors your setup.
You will use the template and Duplicate the Page with the button to create a page for each product.
You can then change the product name and change the sizes and batch sizes, and all of the data items in yellow.