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Lumanu Ad Access 2.0
Lumanu Ad Access 2.0

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Step 2 for Agencies: Grant Lumanu advertising access

Before your team is able to invite creators to grant BCA access via Lumanu, your client will need to grant Lumanu advertising access to their company Instagram account and Facebook Business Page.

Why does my client need to grant Lumanu advertising access to their company social accounts?

In order for Lumanu to send a Branded Content Ads invite to a creator from your client’s Instagram account, we need to be assigned as an advertiser to their Instagram Business Account and Facebook Page. ​Note: their team only needs to do this step once. Alternatively, their creator partners will go through a simple approval process that they do directly within the instagram app.

Before following the steps below, confirm your company accounts are set up for advertising ().

Granting advertising access - Steps for Agencies

Log into your Lumanu account and navigate under Account Settings.
Under Settings, select Account. Under the Facebook Branded Content Ads section, click the Copy Link button.
Share the Login Link with your Brand client. Lumanu Support is happy to set up a live call with your client to walk them through this process live - just cc into the email thread with your client.
**The person doing the set-up process will need log-in credentials to their company instagram account and admin access to their company Facebook Business Page.
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4. If you are not signed into your Facebook account, you will be directed to sign in. Click Continue as (your user), then Get Started and enter your company instagram log-in credentials.
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5. Next, select their company Instagram account, Facebook Page, and Facebook Business Manager.
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6. They will then assign Lumanu permissions to their company instagram and Facebook accounts.
Lumanu may not be assigned access properly if these permissions are unchecked.
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Why does Lumanu need access to Manage the business?

This gives Lumanu the ability to assign itself as an advertiser to the Facebook Business Page that is being authenticated.
Lumanu's protocol only uses this permission during the authentication step. This permission is necessary so that appropriate access can be given to Lumanu in order to boost influencer posts.

7. After clicking Done, they will be directed back to the Lumanu app. The Lumanu system will search for the instagram account entered, they will simply select the instagram account to complete the connection.
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8. If the Instagram/Facebook Page settings are set up correctly, the Instagram account will link successfully.
If your client receives an error message on this screen, please have them confirm that their accounts are set up correctly ().

account successfully linked (1).png

The connected Business account will appear in your team’s account settings under Facebook Branded Content Ads.
Screenshot 2023-03-08 at 10.03.10 AM.png

9. Once your client’s company instagram account is authenticated successfully, .

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