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26 for 26

I am training for the 2024 SF Marathon
My goal is finishing no, 4:30, no 4:00, no 3:42 (8:30 pace)
I have no training plan other than running when I can and feel like it during the week and trying to do longer runs during the weekends and also doing some leg exercises a couple times during the week, doing some HIIT style hot yoga usually once a week, and Barry’s less than weekly
I really only started running with frequency in January 2024 (check my activity heatmap for proof lol), but ramped pretty quickly to 10+ miles by just running at least 4 times a week
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and connect your own Strava account and resync. All the charts should just work and the only things you should update are the names for your shoes in and you’ll have to manually annotate each long run.

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