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Unsurprisingly, the is one of the most common words in the English language, and we use it all the time see, I just used it three times in one sentence! This lesson will teach you everything you need to know about using 'the'.
unsurprisingly: Como era de esperar
broken: rota
noun: sustantivo
before getting into the specifics: Antes de entrar en detalles
physically: fisicamente


Let's look at some basic rules for using “the”. We use it.
To talk about a noun than has already been discussed and is now know to the reader or listerner.
I just go a new sofa. The sofa is blue.
To refer to a specific noun often used with a qualifier
Don't put your phone on the broken table
To identity a unique noun when there is only one.
The sun is out today
The sea is furios


Before getting into the specifics, it's important to know that we can use the with count and noncount nouncs.
Count nouns are nouns tha you can physically count, like pencil or cars. NonCount nouns cannot be counted; things like bread, coffee, sopa, maths, etc.
Let's look at the a bit more in-depth to understand how to use it properly.
Use the.
before superlative adjectives and adverbs
We had the best time yesterday.
This has to be the slowest taxi in town
with clauses and noun phrases introduces by “only”
My aunt is the only persona I trust
Is this the only bowl you have?
before country names that include ‘republic’, ‘kingdom’, ‘union’ or ‘state’.
She is currently in the Dominican Republic.
Where should I go in the United States?
with ordinal numbers used as qualifiers
This is the second time she’s been late.
You are the fifth doctor I’ve talked to about this.
before compass directions
I’ve never been to the north of France.
The south is quite warm this time of year.

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