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1. Para referirse a algo que ya ha sido mencionado o es conocido: I have a book. It is on the table. (Tengo un libro. Está sobre la mesa.) The cat chased the mouse. It caught it. (El gato persiguió al ratón. Lo atrapó.)
more examples:
The movie 'Caribbean Pirates' is good, but it has finished
The book is on the table. It is blue
Learning a new language can be challenging, but it is rewarding.
I bougth a new phone. It has great camera
He bought a new camera. It has good resolution
2. Para hablar sobre el tiempo o el clima: - It is raining outside. (Está lloviendo afuera.) - It was sunny yesterday. (Hacía sol ayer.)
more examples
It is snowing outside. (afuera está lloviendo)
It was raining yesterday. (Ayer llovió)
It's already 7 o'clock. (Ya son las siete)
3. Cuando se habla sobre eventos o situaciones en general: - It's nice to meet you. (Es un placer conocerte.) - It's difficult to learn a new language. (Es difícil aprender un nuevo idioma.)
more examples
It seems like a good idea. (Parece buena idea)
It's easy to learn programming. (Es fácil aprender a programar)
It is important to exercise regularly. (Es importante hacer ejercicio regularmente)
It's common to feel nervous before giving a speech
It's common to study before an exam
It is important to read the instructions
4. Cuando se habla sobre acciones impersonales: - It seems that he is upset. (Parece que está molesto.) - It is important to eat healthy food. (Es importante comer alimentos saludables.)

more examples
It's hard to believe what happened. (Es dificil crer lo que ha pasado)
It's time to go. (Es hora de irse)
It's not easy to make everyone happy. (No es fácil contentar a todo el mundo)

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