Our Pack

Pack 91 is based at (CCE) and sponsored by the CCE Booster Club.
Pack 91 is open to boys and girls from K to 5th.
The PACK is all the scouts. A DEN is each grade level.
Boy Scout Badges.jpeg
Pack 91 Dens
Lions (Kinder)
Tigers (1st)
Wolves (2nd)
Bears (3rd)
Webelos (4th)
Senior Webelos (5th)


Our schedule for the fall and spring will consist of one Pack Meeting and one Den Meeting each month. A Pack Meeting and a Den Meeting alternate every other week. Attending every meeting is optional to achieve the year-end rank.
Pack Meetings often feature a theme with fun activities or an educational guest.
The Den Meetings are smaller, with just the Den (each grade level). Those meetings aim to work through the requirements to achieve the Den’s rank. We reserve the cafeteria for the Dens, but when and where each Den meets is up to each Den leader.

Time and Place

Meetings are usually on the first and third Wednesdays of each month, from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, at the CCE Cafeteria.
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