Basic Workflow
Create a basic workflow with initial inputs for the algorithm,see FID:1InpuFro24 and the output as per FID:1OutpFro16
Registration/Login Workflow
As per the initial workflow draft of check person available at create a registration/login form for customers so they can save/retrieve previously searched cases. Creates UserName and Password with verification & captcha. Asks for verification of given mail account. Accepts ToS & Privacy Policy.
Leads Capture Forms
Basic B2B lead capture form to be displayed during showcase of the results or through browsing the web.
Payment Gateway Integration
Integrate basic payment gateway through API. As an example of effort estimation use the Stripe API implementation documentation.
Extended Results Outcome
Allow for extended results showcase (social/media crawling/other) outputs.
Create API access
Create basic API access for registered and paying users to the INPUT & OUTPUT functions.
Mobile Optimisation
FE Basic mobile, tablet, web browsers and resolutions optimisation.
Freemium & Payment Models
Integrate several payment models for PoC testing. Those will include one time extended searches, SaaS monthly access, freemium & others. Basicall selective A/B testing offer on FE based on our criteria.