I built this doc specifically for myself. I’m an elementary general music teacher, and I’ve become really tired of creating so many stand-alone documents in my school Google Drive each day. While I still need to use G-Drive for many things (because my school and colleagues do, and I’m not in a position to change anything district-wide), anything that is just for me will be part of this Coda doc.
This doc could definitely be helpful for someone else in my position, perhaps someone who teaches a different grade level, or maybe a different specialist area like physical education, or visual arts.
In order to even play around in the doc, be sure to give yourself “Admin Access” to the information by clicking the button below. To read more about why this feature is in place, visit
- he was always quick to help when I posted with questions! I’m blown away by how amazing everyone has been to share knowledge and give their time to help.
Hey there!
I’m Erin - a freelance virtual assistant and aspiring Coda doc builder for service providers and small businesses.
Please follow me on social media and check out my website - I’d love to connect!