TikTok Dashboard

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Ready for more?

We have a lot of upcoming workshops and templates you can use to optimize your reach on TikTok. Take a look at our upcoming upgrades and let us know where you’re interested by clicking Next Step button.
⚠️ Don’t change the column names, or it won’t work.

Messages from Pack Maker
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[Help] TikTok Profile Table Issue (Jun 10 2022)

We’re experiencing an issue with getting profile data from TikTok. This shouldn’t impact your TikTok Video table. We’ve identified a solution, but need your input and help. Please type up a response in the Input column to the right in this row, then press the Send feedback button.
Is the profile table more useful than the videos table for your needs? How so? How would you feel if the profile table was no longer available?
What problem are you facing currently, or maybe it’s just some healthy curiosity, with your channel that you’re turning to the dashboard to help solve?
If it had to come to it, how much would you be willing to pay per month to get the Profile table up and running again?
Send feedback

Goal Setting

From networking to content to system goals. These are all key to help you succeed as a creator.
I want help with goals (Join Waitlist)

Content Strategy Self-Evaluation Workshop

Have you ever given yourself the time to review your progress?
If only you had a simple guide to help you reflect and improve your content…
Well that’s what this upcoming page will help you accomplish!
You’ll be able to:
Get more clarity on your niche
Get more clarity on your messaging and storytelling
An upcoming page will help you create goals, which will work great with your learnings here.
Check back daily to see any more updates! (This table’s sync settings should be setup for daily syncs)
I want clarity (Join Waitlist)

Brand Deal Calculator - Coming soon!

Creators all want to know how to price their work.
With this tool you can play around with different numbers against your actual video performance, and more!
I want better brand deals (Join Waitlist)

TikTok Scheduled Video Publishing

You can publish TikTok videos right from this doc with this feature.
This would be a paid feature, if you’re interested tap the button!
I want scheduled videos (Join Waitlist)

Compare Profiles

Currently you can invite your peers and share docs with each other.
If you copy this doc: I recommend copying a doc you won’t build off of so you can have a private doc to yourself.
Please click the button if you’re interested in comparing profiles right in your doc! If you’d like to share why, put something in the Input column before you tap the button.
I want to analyze other accounts (Join Waitlist)

Content Testing Framework - Releasing Next!

Have you felt like everyone is telling you to test content, but then no one actually showing you how to do it?
This framework will help you gain confidence in what’s working for you.
You’ll learn:
What formats work best (library incl. 🎁)
What hooks work best (library incl. 🎁)
Or any other hypothesis you want to test
In the future if you opt in and actively use the framework you’ll be able to see what formats other creators are using, what what has worked and not worked for them!
You don’t want to miss this 😉
I want to test content (Join Waitlist)
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