Time & Money v2

Time & Money Product Roadmap

The following is a conceptual roadmap for the build-out of Time & Money. The actual sequence of development would depend on many factors, including the technical capabilities of Coda and market demand for product features over time.

Stage 1: Platform MVP

Rules-based cash flow modeling
Cash flow connected dynamically to schedule (simple schedule)
Cash flow summary table (totals, measures of profitability, measures of value)
Initial implementation of data lenses to modify cash flows
Auto-generated assumptions section
Monthly cash flows as the base resolution
Quick switch among daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual cash flow periods (using monthly base resolution)
Supporting time-based tables
Debt and equity financing

Stage 2: More robust platform product

Enrichment of prior features
Scheduling with dependencies
Scenario management
Sensitivity analysis

Stage 3: Advanced features

Optional daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual base resolutions
Equity waterfalls
Capitalization tables
Budgeting features
Monte Carlo analysis (very advanced)

Ongoing: Platform improvements & More templates

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