Time & Money v2

Time & Money Research Links


("CFI") - "CFI and the FMVA™ Program…At CFI, we combine all three skill sets -- theory, application, and intuition -- into a condensed, self-paced program that can be taken anytime, anywhere." (Vancouver)
("EuSpRIG") - "EuSpRIG offers Directors, Managers and Professionals in all disciplines, the world’s only independent, authoritative & comprehensive web based information describing the current state of the art in Spreadsheet Risk Management."
- "F1F9 is one of the word's largest financial modeling and training firms" (London)

Financial modeling descriptions


How to build financial models

(, Jan. 18, 2018)
(Benninga, 2014, The MIT Press)

Excel's dominance in financial modeling

Problems with spreadsheets for financial modeling

(Forbes, Sep. 13, 2014; via @justin)
(ICAEW, 2016, PDF)
(Raymond R. Panko, University of Hawaii, 2008)
(Incisive Software)
(PwC Cyprus, 2016, PDF)

Software and consultancies for managing spreadsheet risk

Competitive products

General purpose

(multi-dimensional modeling with Monte Carlo analysis)
(Excel add-in)

Corporate finance & accounting

(stand-alone software)
(stand-alone software using multi-dimensional calculation engine)
(object-based modeling; serves corporate and government markets)

Quantitative finance

(advanced financial modeling and analysis built on mathematical engine)

Project finance: general

(Excel templates)

Project finance: real estate

(free Excel template)
(dominant industry leader for many years)
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