A safe workplace is important. It is essential to take preventative measures to ensure the safety and well-being of all employees.
Here are some tips for maintaining health and safety in the workplace:
Security numbers:
Non-emergency: 0121 414 3000
Emergency: 0121 414 4444
Training: Ensure that you have adequate training on workplace safety procedures and protocols. This includes emergency response procedures, proper use of equipment, safe handling of hazardous materials, use of protective equipment.
Identify potential hazards: Conduct a thorough evaluation of the workplace to identify any potential hazards. This includes physical hazards such as slippery floors, faulty equipment, and poor lighting, as well as chemical and biological hazards. In order to perform any research activity in the lab, an appropriate risk assessment must be in place. Current risk assessments can be viewed here XX. It is the responsibility of users to ensure that activity is covered by current a Risk Assessment (including Chemical Hazard Risk Assessment). Should any risk assessment have passed its mandated review date, the Assessor (or Supervisor) should be approached to discuss its review before the activity can proceed. If new risk assessments are required, users may collaboratively complete the assessments, which should be deposited in the risk assessment folder.
Report incidents: University Health and Safety Policy requires all accidents, incidents, near-misses be reported as soon as is possible. The reporting of all such events allows the University to risk assess more effectively by identifying areas where controls may need reviewing or to prevent further or more serious accidents occurring. Definitions:
‘Accident’ - Unplanned, uncontrolled event leading to injury or ill health
‘Incident’ - Unplanned, uncontrolled event leading to damage or loss of property, damage to material, equipment or the environment
‘Near-miss’ - Unplanned, uncontrolled event where under different circumstances an accident, incident or both may occur
Information: Health and safety information is available in Canvas
Hygiene: Please wash your hands frequently, and cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing, use wipes before and after devices are used by participants and use the cleanbox to disinfect headset before and after a participant use it. This will help to prevent the spread of germs and viruses.
Maintain a clean workplace: Keep the workplace clean and tidy to reduce the risk of slips, trips, and falls. This includes proper storage of equipment and materials.
Evacuation routes
If you hear the fire alarm, evacuate the lab and proceed to the assembly point. The closest emergency exit is to the right of N418 (lab) and on the left of N409 (workshop). Please familiarise yourself with it.
Personal Emergency Evacuation Procedure (PEEP)
Please let
@Massimiliano Di Luca
know if you require a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) specific to your needs.
If you are aware of something that could cause an accident/incident (accident/incident waiting to happen), please ensure you let us know asap (in any of the above ways) so that we can take steps to avoid the eventuality.
First Aiders
Notices for First Aiders can be found at the teapoint. If in doubt, contact Security (once phoned they can be on site within a matter of minutes):
First Aid Kits
First Aid Kits can be found at:
The teapoint at the corridor
If in doubt, contact Security (once phoned they can be on site within a matter of minutes):
Non-emergency: 0121 414 3000
Emergency: 0121 414 4444
Defibrillator (AED)
The nearest defibrillator is located on the ground floor adjacent to the lift/elevator.
Workshop utilization
we are creating a training and utilization procedure for it
(you may have to request access) as this will be picked up on the inspection. You will not be asked to remove it (within reason) - instead, if it's on the list, this means we know about it and won't need to query it when we do an inspection. This info has been requested by H&S services in advance of planned PAT testing for all electrical items, including personal items.
Please do a visual check on electrical leads and wires on equipment to ensure safety. H&S team are now required to check wires during inspections which could add a significant amount of time to the inspection. So it would be much appreciated if you could help with this.
Reminder that Kitchens need to be reasonably clean and in good order
On our recent fire inspection it was found that wall hangings and Christmas decorations were up and need removing to be in line with our policies
Risk assessments:
Computer based
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Shipping material to participants
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