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How to Use This Doc

If you haven’t already read the Startup Secrets : How to announce your early-stage funding, review that first.
If you have, you’ve probably gathered that there’s several steps involved in achieving your outreach goals. This Coda doc (with the help of !) can set you up for success, and remove friction from the process.

Let’s begin!


Use the to drive accountability, and gain visibility on what needs to happen next as you get ready to announce. Return to this list and cross off tasks as you complete other parts of this doc and the process.


The first step to developing your PR “muscles” is to nurture relationships with the press. This section can help!
Identify the people you’ll want to build a relationship with by using the AI-curated .
Then, assign priorities and refine your list in the .


When you are ready to start crafting your press release, fill out your company’s background information, and Coda AI can help you write, brainstorm, and edit.
When you get close to the final version, Coda AI can help provide a final content or grammar review.


Refine your specific pitch to reporters and, when your news goes live, send customized emails to key contacts encouraging them to amplify the story.
Brainstorm on example Tweets and other announcements.

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